Deja Vu
Wrt to my entries on Death and pictures, yesterday i realised the full extent of its truth. On Saturday i had read on the BBC website about an arson attack on a house in Birmingham and how a 6 yr old girls had died in the fire. As it was one of god knows how many articles i had read that day, it just sunk into the back as i thought compared to the countless dying in Iraq and around the world and the vast amount of atrocities, massacres, injustices going on around the world, it wasn't That bad. So i just went on with my day. Then that night i received a text from my friend saying that a friend from school who had moved to Birmingham a few yrs back had an arson attack on his house and that his 6 yr old sr had passed away...
SubhanAllah this incident made me realise again the extent of what i was saying - that with every incident there are people around the world who are going through the anguish and pain that one would go through if one was in that position yourself. That every article we reas about wrt things going on around the world, there are people who are having to live with that incident for the rest of their lives rather than just move on to the next thing with a click of the mouse.
What should our reaction to the above point be? That everytime we read about some atrocity going on, we become emotionally attached to that cause...? i don't think so as if this was done i think all of us would become emotional wrecks all trying to save the world. I think what needs to be done is for individuals to decide on an individual basis what they Can do - for some when they read about Palestine they run off to Palestine and want to help out, for others they'll help disperse info about whats going on to people they know, for others it might just be donating money to a Palestinian charity. but i think even if one takes a moment for the gravity of all these news items to sink in rather than for them to be emotionless, then this is at least a start.
In the face of all these things going on around the world, its very easy to often give up hope as theres Sooo much which needs to be done. But alhamdulillah their are miracles happening all around us which get overlooked so often. wrt the entry when an American soldier came to Amman to convert, a very similar thing happened yesterday. In the middle of the hadith class with the same sheikh, he received a call from a judge saying that he had a General from the US army in Baghdad who wanted to convert and could he send him over. So towards the end of the lesson the General arrived and after a 30min quick aqeedah lesson to ensure he knew what he was getting himself into, he testified that that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger.
Wrt to my entries on Death and pictures, yesterday i realised the full extent of its truth. On Saturday i had read on the BBC website about an arson attack on a house in Birmingham and how a 6 yr old girls had died in the fire. As it was one of god knows how many articles i had read that day, it just sunk into the back as i thought compared to the countless dying in Iraq and around the world and the vast amount of atrocities, massacres, injustices going on around the world, it wasn't That bad. So i just went on with my day. Then that night i received a text from my friend saying that a friend from school who had moved to Birmingham a few yrs back had an arson attack on his house and that his 6 yr old sr had passed away...
SubhanAllah this incident made me realise again the extent of what i was saying - that with every incident there are people around the world who are going through the anguish and pain that one would go through if one was in that position yourself. That every article we reas about wrt things going on around the world, there are people who are having to live with that incident for the rest of their lives rather than just move on to the next thing with a click of the mouse.
What should our reaction to the above point be? That everytime we read about some atrocity going on, we become emotionally attached to that cause...? i don't think so as if this was done i think all of us would become emotional wrecks all trying to save the world. I think what needs to be done is for individuals to decide on an individual basis what they Can do - for some when they read about Palestine they run off to Palestine and want to help out, for others they'll help disperse info about whats going on to people they know, for others it might just be donating money to a Palestinian charity. but i think even if one takes a moment for the gravity of all these news items to sink in rather than for them to be emotionless, then this is at least a start.
In the face of all these things going on around the world, its very easy to often give up hope as theres Sooo much which needs to be done. But alhamdulillah their are miracles happening all around us which get overlooked so often. wrt the entry when an American soldier came to Amman to convert, a very similar thing happened yesterday. In the middle of the hadith class with the same sheikh, he received a call from a judge saying that he had a General from the US army in Baghdad who wanted to convert and could he send him over. So towards the end of the lesson the General arrived and after a 30min quick aqeedah lesson to ensure he knew what he was getting himself into, he testified that that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger.
Did you know that the 6yr old girl who died is the daughter of Takur Miah, who used to live in Burnley until a few years ago?
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM
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