
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Gone So Quick


Well three months have whisked by and so we come to today, the last day of Qasids term. It was a day of mixed emotions; glad that its finished as i desperately need a break, concerned in that its gone so fast and what have i learnt? and sad that the particular people i had in my class, the other students who are leaving and the teachers i had would be no more.

But the work doesn't end. The end of term exams are on Saturday and the dreaded grammar exam is on Monday, and since we were covering new things right up untill today i have a LOT to revise and get through in the next couple of days.

Alhamdulillah it was a good day though - we bought presents for all the teachers, there was lots of cakes and other deserts everywhere in the lounge area and everyone was exchanging contact details with those who would be leaving.

Anyway, below are some pics from the Petra trip. Enjoy.



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