Sheikh Nuh Notes II
24/2/06 - from Iqad ul-Himma by Imam AtaÂullah Sikandari:
When you become one with Allah you stand at the shore of the ocean of allahs generosity and his greatness. You gain access to the waves, to the water to the drops of Allahs endless bounties
The most beneficial knowledge is the rulings in how to be a good servant. The highest knowledge is knowing and realizing the onesess and supreme nature of Allah
Its not possible to be a good servant without making sacrifices for Allah
Whoever lowers himself lower than what he really is deserves, eg someone owes him money but he waves this, whoever is a source of ease to someone else through helping them, being kind to them etc (eg wife with husband), whoever helps without expecting something back, this is the person who gets access to Allahs presence
Allah helps a servant who helps his brother
Allah says "Spend, o son of Adam! and then you will be spent upon"
Spending key as it treats the disease of miserliness. This can be gained by fulfilling the rights of others (debts), doing zakat and giving in sadaqat
All the universe is full of light with the darkness being a manifestation of the ego out of control - all the universe is full of darkness with the light being a manifestation of the presence of Allah
24/2/06 - from Iqad ul-Himma by Imam AtaÂullah Sikandari:
When you become one with Allah you stand at the shore of the ocean of allahs generosity and his greatness. You gain access to the waves, to the water to the drops of Allahs endless bounties
The most beneficial knowledge is the rulings in how to be a good servant. The highest knowledge is knowing and realizing the onesess and supreme nature of Allah
Its not possible to be a good servant without making sacrifices for Allah
Whoever lowers himself lower than what he really is deserves, eg someone owes him money but he waves this, whoever is a source of ease to someone else through helping them, being kind to them etc (eg wife with husband), whoever helps without expecting something back, this is the person who gets access to Allahs presence
Allah helps a servant who helps his brother
Allah says "Spend, o son of Adam! and then you will be spent upon"
Spending key as it treats the disease of miserliness. This can be gained by fulfilling the rights of others (debts), doing zakat and giving in sadaqat
All the universe is full of light with the darkness being a manifestation of the ego out of control - all the universe is full of darkness with the light being a manifestation of the presence of Allah
In every single vision, in every single phenomenon, we can find the oneness, greatness, power and ultimate magnimity of the divine, if we want to.
Tasawuff based in deference and conviction, fiqh based in investigation and proofs i.e. in some ways opposite. This is why dhikr and trust in Allah is key
Someone who leaves everything, attains everything i.e. Allah
27/2/06 - from "Mutual Reminding & Good Manners" by Imam Al-haddad:
Keeping good company of upmost importance - regardless of intention you will end up taking on board their characteristics. Usually if someone changes the way their behave, its to do with them changing the people they stay with. People you stay with affect your outlook on life right down to the finer idiosyncrasies. Why were the Sahaba the best of all people? Because they kept the company of the best person out of all mankind - the Prophet (PBUH)
Allah says its incumbent for Him to love the servants who love each other for His sake, who meet for His sake etc
One of the greatest things one can do is to enter happiness into the life of a mu'min - eg once a mureed came from across the world and when he happened to pass by his sheikh, due to his happiness he put his arm around him and took a photo. The sheikh could have reprimanded the mureed but didnt say anything as it had made the mureed so happy
Have mercy towards others. Be tough on yourself and easy on others
Two hungry wolves set free amongst a herd of sheep don't do as much damage as the one who has greed for materialistic things
Associating yourself with someone and following them are two different and distinct things
Sign that someone is with someone else for the sake of Allah is that they'll stay with them regardless, where as if someone has ulterior motives, when this motive goes, so do they
Character of a student of Tasawuff;
1) doesn't have suspicion of the sheikh whatever happens
2) returns to the view of the sheikh whether it pleases him or not
3) discloses his secrets to his sheikh - no "embarrassment"
4) doesn't pry and spy to find out everything about the sheikh
5) if mentor shows one of the "secrets" in confidence, this must stay confidential - "Hearts of the pious are the graves for secrets"
6) doesn't go round boasting about the sheikh and his relationship with him
7) if he wants to do something he hears about, he asks the sheikh for permission
8) has certain level of respect, awe and love for the sheikh - no "joking around"
9) doesn't keep the company of the sheikh to increase his ego
10) should not dispose of anything (eg property) with asking the sheikh first
If you find someone who meets all your needs then cast yourself upon him and follow him so that you can find yourself with Allah one day. Follow him in all aspects apart from the particulars due to him being a sheikh. Don't object to anything except if it contradicts with the 4 schools. If you have any negative thoughts, try to suppress them. The complete sheikh is one who benefits one with his advice, words, wisdom etc
The Book is called: Iqadh al-Himam
Anonymous, at 2:36 AM
jzk - i have dodgy typing, as uv most likely found out if u carry on reading the entries
Me, at 9:06 AM
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