I had wanted to call this entry
"Being Young in the Middle-East" (very interesting/depressing read..) to go in line with this feature from the BBC website which i read a looong time ago but which stuck in my mind, but I have ultimately gone for the more crude and to the point title...
When I read the BBC piece, I was pretty shocked at some of the stuff and thought that a lot of it must be skewed and sensationalist journalism just so they can get a good story in. But to be honest with you, from my experiences in Jordan, and now much more with in Egypt, I fear things like the supposed 50% of Egyptians having pre-marital sex is probably correct...
I've seen many a thing which I wish I hadn't seen in Jordan and Egypt as its given me a very bad view of these countries. From the report, the man things it says is that since upto 40% of Arabs are under 25, and with most of these countries leaders being more interested in holding onto power than looking after their people, all these youngsters are...going out of control...
With the high satellite, internet and general media outlets available, this generation of Arabs is being bombarded by all the filth and debauchery we witness in the west, and are sucked in by all its promises leading them to take on board all the negative characteristics of western youth; be it in terms of the clothes (or lack of) they wear, the music they listen to, inter sex relationships and general foul mouthedness
I had heard of the stereotype (don't know where form) that Arab men are supposed to be..pervy..but MY GOD some of the things iv seen here...Basically in the area I live there's two streets of shops and all that the guys do is sit outside the shops and wait for girls to walk past, at which they all start whistling, hooting and making animal noises at the girls...this gets much worse if you get to the main shopping roads where if a bunch of guys are going past in a car, they'll slow their car down, start shouting stuff through the window, flash their lights etc...also if the guys see a girl who really takes their fancy, they'll start following her making lewds comments and even try and grab them by the hand...(yes I saw this once). All this, in broad day light.
Then there's MSN. Technology has brought us sooo many advantages e.g. my being able to write this, but it seems like the Muslims just use it for doing haraam things; there's several net cafes on any street with shops, and whichever one you enter, you will find it full with guys chatting on msn to foreign women (eventually trying to marry them and get a foreign passport as my Egyptian flatmate has told me)
Then theirs the homosexuality problem (for men and women i've read) which I touched upon in a previous entry. Obviously being a Muslim country and all its all undercover, but it supposed to be very widespread as most of they guys cant afford to get married before their 30 and they need an outlet for their urges...
So far iv just picked on the lets be fair...:
Clothes that girls wear is a big issue wherever you have Muslims, and apparently its a big topic here too. But...there's no words to describe it...or the lack of it. Its important here I think to differentiate between "hijab"; wearing modest clothing overall and "scarf"; wearing a piece of cloth on your head. "Scarf" observance has, im told, gone up many fold over the past few years, but the rest of the clothes which are worn, again im told, has worsened dramatically in the last few years. Literally if you walk out onto any street now, you would think your in the west - its very VEEEERRRYYY bad..VERY bad...its almost like the girls try and compensate for the fact their wearing a scarf by wearing even less on the rest of the body. Yes, yes, how do I know about this? Believe me one look is one too many. You come to Egypt and see for yourself...
Also with respect to the whistling etc, the girls don't really help to be honest (no I'm not blaming them) - they can more than easily walk on the other side of the road away from the attention of the guys, but do they? No. Instead they decide to walk in the middle of the road a few feet away from where all the guys congregate...and with respect to MSN usage iv heard its as bad with the girls as it is with the boys...
Then Yesterday happened. OK, this is getting long, so the old "lets split the entry up so it doesn't look so long" trick...